Health, Healing and Meditation at Tree of Life Journeys
11.11 Meditations CD
Anodea Judith's Chakra Yoga
Blackthorn's Botanical Brews
Celestial Reiki CD
Chakra Empowerment for Women
Chakra Meditation Oracle
Chakra Meditations CD
Crystal Gridwork
Crystals Beyond Beginners
Crystals for Beginners
Divine Lotus Mother CD
Earth Energies
Kundalini Energy
Living Reiki
Magick of Reiki
Meditation Plain & Simple
Meditation with Intention
Meditations for Children CD
Meditations for the Soul
Meditations with Angels CD
Modern Dreamwork
Psychic Yoga
Reiki for Beginners
Reiki Plain & Simple
Rumi Meditations CD
Sanctuary of Your Own
The Gift of Crystals
The Healing Power of Reiki
The Pure Heart of Yoga
The Witching Herbs
True Yoga
Yoga Beyond Fitness
Yoga Beyond the Mat
Yoga by the Stars
Yoga Guide
Yoga Through the Year

Explore the world of Alternative Medicine and natural healing in these informative books. From energizing and cleansing the chakras to using Bach Flower remedies, natural and ancient magic and meditation, you will find something here to help energize and heal you and those you love.
This section includes books about Reiki, Magical Rituals, Shamanism, Meditation, Bach Remedies, Aromatherapy and many other methods of natural healing. (Please note we cannot guarantee results or healing from the use of these books - always seek traditional medical advice as well).
We are always adding more items so be sure to check back often.